There is a form of vitamin B12 medication, which is called cobalamin. This cobalamin is known to be of two types, which are cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin. Cyanocobalamin is known to be invented by men with the help of the advancement in technology. It functions in such a way that it helps in preventing the human blood from being deficient of vitamin B12. This vitamin is essential in the body for maintaining the metabolism of the blood cells, nerves, and body.
The sets of people that are prone to this deficiency are those that have very poor nutritional needs, HIV patients, older people, alcoholic drinkers, pregnant women, cancer patients, and those with gastrointestinal issues. This cyanocobalamin can be gotten from the pharmacy to battle these problems. On the other hand, hydroxocobalamin happens to be a natural form of vitamin B12. Its functionality is also meant to fight vitamin B12 deficiency. This hydroxocobalamin treatment can be taken in the form of injection. It also provides treatments in some other area, and it is a safe treatment to undergo.