Mindfulness and Meditation are two words that are so related, especially in modern-day usage. However, no matter how close they may be, they're not the same. Mindfulness is just a state of awareness, a situation where you pay rapt attention to your feelings, thoughts, and happenings around. It's simply just about taking note, being actively involved, or present in what is going on per Time. It can be practiced without restriction to location time and method. According to Harvard research, I read about; it can be very difficult for the human mind to achieve mindfulness.
Unlike mindfulness, Meditation involves a rather planned activity where you make efforts to draw your attention to the happenings of your mind in order to achieve calmness of mind, focus, and stabilize emotions. It is basically a practice done in a seated position. It starts from breathing deeply in a comfortable position bringing all your attention to your respiratory activity (Inhaling and exhaling) until a single point focus is achieved.