Education and learning are both ways that a person can learn something new. Education is more formal, done in a setting like a school. Learning is informal. It can be done through life experiences, such as learning about friendship or love. Education is learned through a source, which is normally a teacher or professor. With education, there are certain criteria a person must meet, including passing the class with an appropriate grade.
Learning is something that a person can teach themselves. There is no standard, and it is up to the user if they have met the goal they set for themselves.
Education and learning are very similar. However, education is a formal process that usually lasts for many years, while learning is informal, and it is said to be an ongoing process. Education is often obtained through an outside source, such as schools and universities.
Learning is more about teaching your inner self. It doesn’t have to be anything regimented. It could be as simple as reading a book or watching an educational television show. When we say education, it generally means classroom learning. An individual tends to learn from their surroundings. Teachers, on the other hand, impart wisdom, while learning is something you do on your own. Every day, there is constantly something new to learn.