The end result of homicide and manslaughter are both the same, for they a person would have lost their life. The difference between the two is intent. Homicide is intentional and planned. A person committing homicide normally has no remorse for their actions, and if permitted, they would recommit the crime. With manslaughter, it is not intentional.
An example is a doctor accidentally prescribing the wrong medicine, and it causes their patient to die. Though someone has died, the death was an accident. A person charged with manslaughter normally feels bad for their actions and would reverse the outcome if they could.
A lot of people often get confused with the differences between homicide and manslaughter because they may seem similar in the beginning. Take note that all types of killing can be considered to be a homicide but to varying degrees. Manslaughter is considered to be a type of homicide wherein the murder is considered to be excusable.
It is possible that the killing was intentional, but it had started because of all the events that have transpired during the moment when the homicide took place. For example, you have caught your partner in bed with another person. This can make you kill the person because of all the passion that you are feeling.