Scotch and Whiskey are actually very different from each other. First and foremost, on the basis of geography, Scotch is whisky which is produced in Scotland and also in bourbon, while whiskey is primarily manufactured in the United States. Based on the Ingredients, Scotch is mostly brewed from malted barley while Whiskey in contrast is distilled from corn.
Scotch and whiskey are different in spelling because, For Scotch the word Whisky is basically spelt without the alphabet e. In terms of the Standards scotch and whiskey are also different, in that Scotch must be in accordance to the standards and rules laid down in the Whisky Act of the year 1988.
Another factor that so very much differentiates scotch from the whiskey is the smoothness, Scotch is basically very light and also smoother in taste while whiskey on the other hand is not so smooth and light when compared to scotch.