Both Pemphigus and Pemphigoid are different diseases that affect the skin. Though the presenting manifestations in the clinic actually share some resemblance with each other. None of the two is actually genetic, nor are they contagious. The two of them are skin-blistering ailment or disease, and they are also autoimmune diseases.
Pemphigus is a group of scarce autoimmune skin blistering disease or skin disorders that are brought about by acantholysis, which is the disruption of the connections between the epidermal cells by antibodies against desmogleins which is a type of transmembrane proteins which plays a major role in the formation of desmosomes formation.
Desmosomes are cellular structures that are specialized to prevent the sharing of connections between cells by the gluing one cell to the other. While on the other hand, Pemphigoid is similar in the appearance of blisters with that of pemphigus, but the autoantibody activity is different. For Pemphigoid, acantholysis does not take place.