Narcissists tend to possess an enormous ego. They do not reveal their true selves, but they instead show you a representative version of themselves. Narcissists do not know what is human, or how to behave, while an egotist, everything is always about them.
Egotists can often be immoral in how they treat people. They may be superficial, or sometimes they just don’t care about anybody but themselves, and so they lack empathy. A narcissist, on the other hand, often feel that they are inferior. Still, they also live in an imaginary world where they are the stars of the show.
Both egotists and narcissists do not know how to nourish their relationships with others. Therefore, he or she often finds themselves alone and lonely. Although an egotist will generally only surround themselves with other people who will kiss their butts, they are not real friends or family.