Radar stands for Radio Detection and Ranging, while Sonar stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging. Radar and Sonar are both detection systems that can be used to identify objects and their position when they are not visible at a distance. They both detect the reflection of a transmitted signal. The principal difference between the two is the type of signal each uses for detection.
Radar detection depends on radio waves, while Sonar uses mechanical sound waves. Radar is all-encompassing; therefore, it can be utilized for different purposes. These include ground traffic control, radar astronomy, marine radar, and aircraft anti-collision systems, and these are just a few examples.
There are many other civilian uses for Sonar as well. These include harvesting fish in fisheries, echo sounding, remote operated vehicles, and water velocity measurement. Both Sonar and radar depend on the speed of sound. However, Sonar is used in water, which means it travels slowly. Radar technology has a more excellent range than Sonar.