If you checked out the parts of the brain, you would see that there are some differences that will make one more noticeable than the other. The grey matter will contain a lot of cell bodies, while white matter will have fewer cell bodies.
At the same time, the white matter will also have myelinated axons. The main difference why the colors are different is due to the appearance of myelin. The gray matter will not have a myelin sheath over the axon, while white matter will have a myelin sheath.
The gray matter will start from the brain extending to the spinal cord. The gray matter will make sure that signaling will be more effective.
White matter is one of the mechanisms of the brain that harmonize different regions of the brain. The white case of the brain resembles the cables of a computer network and how they all work in synergy. Even though the tissue is white, there is a pinkish hue to it. White matter encompasses both glial cells and long axons that are often myelinated.
There are no dendrites in the cerebral and spinal matter, but there are no neuronal cell bodies. Most of the brain is made of tissue, which is essential to transport parent regions of the brain pulses between different parts of the brain.
Grey matter is the most significant component of the nervous system that is made of neuronal cell bodies. It deals with the cortex of the brain, which has nerve cell bodies. It is darker than white matter. Gray matter develops the processing units of sensory function, while white matter is formed from the networks of gray matter units.