Ovulation refers to the release of ova or eggs from the two ovaries in the female reproductive system. When these eggs are released, they proceed into the uterus, waiting to be fertilized. In the event that fertilization does not occur after the release of eggs into the uterus, the eggs and the lining of the uterus will come out of the woman's body.
This periodic discharging of the flow of blood and cells from the uterine walls is known as menstruation or period. This usually lasts from two to six days. The coming out of the blood through the vagina is usually experienced on the first day, and this will stop after a couple of days. This usually comes with cases like headaches, pain, emotional disturbance, etc.
The menstrual cycle starts every 28 days, and ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. It is important to know that ovulation usually comes before menstruation.