In the Christian faith, God is considered as the Father among the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Some refer to these Godhead as Trinity or the Triune God. Jesus is known as the Son of God, even according to the way He described Himself. However, a deeper study reveals that the term “Son of God” simply refers to “God in the flesh.”
God or God the Father has been ruling since the creation of the world. In fact, he is the pioneer of everything. However, as described in the book of John, Chapter one, Jesus was described as the Word which God spoke when He was creating the world. And Jesus Himself makes us understand from the Bible that he has been from the beginning of the world, even before Abraham, the father of faith.
Hence, the difference between God and Jesus is just in the realm of their existence; God could not leave heaven and come to the earth in His real nature, He had to come in the flesh to sacrifice Himself for the sin of the whole world, and that was what brought the God-man “Jesus” into being.