What is the difference between Vitamins and Minerals? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between Vitamins and Minerals?

Asked by G. dorgon, Last updated: Sep 06, 2024

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Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson

Christian Jackson
Christian Jackson, Content Developer, Austin

Answered Aug 11, 2020

Vitamin and minerals are part of the essentials the body needs to carry out it functions. Vitamins and minerals are not needed in the body in large amount, they both help to strengthening bones, boost the immune system and also help your wound to heal faster.

Vitamin are organic compounds that are obtained from plants and animals, there are mainly 13 vitamin which are needed by the body, when the vitamin enters the body they are easily broken down by heat and also chemical agent. All vitamins can be classified into water soluble and fat soluble. Examples of vitamins include vitamin A, B, C, and D

Minerals are inorganic compounds originated in the earth, when minerals enter the body, they are indestructible and are also less vulnerable to heat and other chemicals, not all the minerals are required by the body. Minerals help in blood coagulation. Examples of minerals are iron, calcium and zinc.

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D. gray

D. gray

Building buildings and building intelligence

D. gray
D. gray, Builder, Builder, Las Vegas

Answered Apr 21, 2020

Vitamins and minerals are two sources of nutrients that are needed by the body to stay healthy. One major difference between these two is that vitamins are organic compounds, while minerals are inorganic compounds. The main sources of vitamins are from plants and animals, while the main sources of minerals are obtained from the soil as well as from water.

Vitamins can be categorized into fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. On the other hand, minerals can be divided into trace minerals and macro minerals. You need to take water soluble vitamins with water, and they aren't stored in the body.

Fat soluble vitamins are dissolved in the fat cells of the body, and they are stored. Considering the macro minerals, they are those minerals that are need by the body in large quantities, while the trace minerals are needed in little amounts only. However, the vitamins are more complex than the minerals in chemical form.

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