MSW stands for a Master’s degree in social work, and LCSW stands for Licensed Clinical Social Worker. The key distinction between the two is that MSW is a graduate degree, while LCSW is a person who had taken the MSW. If you desire to become a social worker, you need to have a master’s degree in social work. Before enrolling in an MSW program, you must first complete an undergraduate degree.
You can take the MSW curriculum if you get a Bachelor of Arts or bachelor of science degree in psychology, social work, anthropology, or sociology. Completing the MSW program is not the only prerequisite in becoming an LCSW.
To become an accredited clinical social worker, you must first obtain experience in a similar field. If you complete the two years, you can take the exam and get your license. Being an LCSW requires continuing education, which means workshops and seminars. This education increases your knowledge and keeps your license current.