The coronavirus infection in cats is caused by a virus known as feline coronavirus. This type of virus is not contagious i.e., and it cannot be passed from animal to animal or person to person. It is solely a disease common to cats. Feline Coronavirus is mostly contracted by cats when they exposed to feces of other infected cats.
Once a cat encounters the virus, there is every possibility that such a cat will contract the disease, although there are no particular symptoms at this particular stage, and that is why you might not know if your cat has the disease or not. Feline Coronavirus can live or survive in the soil for about two weeks, and several weeks once it is activated in the body.
After sometime, the virus will come out together with faeces. However, if a cat is constantly getting infected with feline coronavirus, it can lead to a disease known as feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). At this stage, this disease can be fatal in cats.