Let us start with breaking down the subword that make up this words; tonic simply refers to fluid, hypo means less or lesser, while hyper means more or greater. So when referring to a hypertonic solution, the solute happens to be more than the solvent. Conversely, when referring to the hypotonic solution, the solute happens to be lesser than the solvent.
The application of these processes can be carried out in the body, hypotonic and hypertonic solutions are employed in the treatment of cases like dehydration, hypervolemia, hypovolemia, and other electrolyte and fluid imbalances.
Hypertonic solutions make the cell to shrink as it causes water to be pulled out of the cell; while hypotonic solutions make the cell to swell as it causes water to be shifted into the cell. Hypertonic solutions is employed in cases of hemorrhage, while hypotonic solutions can be employed for cases of hypernatremia and dehydration.