Google Glass and HoloLens give users access to the fantastic world of virtual reality. Google Glass and HoloLens are wearable computer devices. Google Glass was designed to provide unlimited access to almost anything and everything in the simplest way possible and objects, and it gives all the information you want in a hands-free format. Google Glass offers the big world, while HoloLens is a stand-alone wearable device that provides you with a plethora of virtual reality options. HoloLens is bulky with thick wrapped around design, putting you right into the virtual l3D world.
At the same time, Google Glass was created for the wearer's comfort, as users get information from the internet with voice commands' assistance. Google Glass connects to Google maps to provide the current real-world details, which consists of things like traffic and weather reports. HoloLens helps you to communicate with objects in the virtual world, and it is easy to navigate through the feature.