Although, both microprocessor and microcontroller share a lot of common features, which is why both are mostly considered to be the same, however, there are so many differences between the two. The microprocessor is an important component within a computer system that contains the entire CPU of a computer system integrated on a single chip or circuit.
On the other hand, the microcontroller is a microcomputer that is embedded on a single chip. While microprocessors are just integrated chips with no memory, i.e., ROM or RAM, microcontrollers are equipped with RAM, processor, and they are all embedded on a single chip. While microprocessors are basically acting as the CPU of a computer system, they need an external bus that will connect them to other peripherals.
On the other hand, microcontrollers don't need external buses since they are already equipped with peripherals like ROM, IO, RAM, etc. In addition, microcontrollers are meant to execute specific tasks.