GERD is the short form of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, a health condition that causes the stomach contents to be regurgitated in an excessive or abnormal way. This condition is usually experienced when the anatomical structures of the stomach to the esophagus have been impaired. Heartburn refers to a burning pain usually experienced behind the breast bone whenever stomach acid enters the gullet.
Heartburn is most times considered to be a symptom, unlike GERD, which is a disease.
At times, if a patient has GERD, there is a possibility that such a patient will be experiencing heartburn. In other words, heartburn is one of the many symptoms of GER. There are various ways by which you can treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD); this can be done by using various diagnostic tests like EGD, whereas heartburn can only be treated by curing the health problem that is causing the symptoms in the body.