There are so many types of mental illnesses that people are suffering from; MPD and Schizophrenia are two mental illnesses commonly experienced by people. Aside from the fact both are mental disorders, there are some differences between the two. MPD is the short form of Multiple Personality Disorder. It is also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder.
This is a mental disorder whereby someone's behavior is being controlled by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personalities. An individual suffering from this will be experiencing symptoms like severe memory loss, paranoia, depression.
Such a person will start developing phobias for so many things without any tangible explanation. Schizophrenia, on the other hand, is also a mental disorder whereby an individual starts fantasizing about so many things. An individual suffering from this will not be able to differentiate between what is real and something that is not real. This condition is more severe than a Multiple Personality Disorder. Hallucinations, delusion, disorganized 0thoughts are symptoms of schizophrenia.