I.e., and e.g., are actually abbreviations that are used for Latin terms that are still being used right now. I.e., means id est. This can translate to “that is.†E.g., on the other hand, stands for Exempli Gratia. This means “for example.†There are a lot of people that may interchange the use of these two things probably because they seem to be interchangeable, but they are not. Some people also use IE so that they can say something “in other words.â€
Take note that the two do not need to be italicized when you are using them. You can use i.e., this way: “Please be reminded that you will receive your package shortly, i.e., in about 2 to 3 business days.†When you are using, e.g., you can say, “I have placed some attachments e.g., attachment 1, attachment 2, and attachment 3.