Argon is chiefly used as an inert shielding gas. It is less expensive than krypton gas, and many people are motivated to purchase it because of the cost. However, it is more costly than dry nitrogen. Argon is used as the recommended window gas filler. Argon is a more available gas since it’s a concentration in the atmosphere is higher than Krypton gas. It constitutes 1.8 percent of the earth’s atmosphere, and it is often said to be the most prevalent gas in the atmosphere. Krypton is a colorless gas which displays a whitish glow in an electric field standard atomic weight. It has several practical uses, and it is used in flash lamps of high- speed cameras. It is mixed with argon and filled in energy-saving incandescent light bulbs. It is also used in halogen sealed beam headlights to facilitate the insertion of slimmer and longer-lasting filament for superior light output.