Some people may get confused whenever they see butterflies and moths because they feel that they look the same. Butterflies are usually more colorful as compared to moths. One main difference that you will notice is that butterflies can usually rest with their wings closed. If you would see moths rest, you will see that they usually leave their wings open.
Another main difference is its antenna. Butterflies will have an antenna that is long and thin, while moths will have antennas that are normally shorter than usual. Take note that even if they somewhat look alike, they usually do not try to mate with each other.
The main difference between a moth and a butterfly is the shape of the antennae. Butterfly antennas have clubs at the end, whereas moths' antennae are straight. Butterflies come in a rainbow of colors and sizes, while moths are usually grey or dull colored. Butterflies keep their wings flying freely up over their bodies, while moth's spread their wings in a horizontal or flat position.
Butterflies possess thinner, longer, and more elegant bodies, and moths tend to have thick, hairy bodies. Moths have less color, which makes it easier for them to camouflage themselves. Unlike butterflies, moths have a frenulum, which is a unique apparatus that keeps the fore winds and hindwings linked in flight. Butterflies are usually more active during the day, while moths are not. Each butterfly species has a distinctive habitat, which depends on nectar plants.