X-Ray and MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging are two medical technologies used by doctors to diagnosis patients. one of the differences between X-Ray and MRI is that the former is that older, having been around for some time now. On the contrary, X-Ray is a newer technology; it came almost a century after the first X-ray was developed. X-rays use radiation that can penetrate the soft tissues of the body to give an image of the targeted area. On the other hand, MRIs are more advanced than X-rays. Unlike X-Rays that use radiation, MRIs use magnetic fields created from a magnetic source to produce an internal image of the body. X-Rays have been researched to be very dangerous as it can lead to the damage of the soft tissues, especially if a patient is having prolonged exposure to X-Rays. On the contrary, since MRIs do not produce any radiation, they don’t have this problem.
The techniques used for X-ray and MRI are different. MRI will make use of magnetic waves in order to provide the type of vision that you would like to see. The X-ray will make use of radiation in order to provide images of the bones.
These are methods that are used in the medical field in order to take photos of the insides of the body. They are used to see if there are some abnormalities that would need immediate attention. The images that they will produce can be used to provide a more accurate diagnosis of a person’s current illness, injury, or disease.