The Sony HDR's hard drive contains more storage space, while SR11 has only 60 gigabytes of space to offer. You can store more videos on the SR 12 than the S11. This difference also has an enormous impact on your capability to capture videos. With a larger hard drive, you will have the opportunity to shoot more videos. Another difference between Sony SR11 and Sony SR12 is their lux ratings. The Sony SR 11 has a lux rating of 0, while Sony SR12 has a lux rating of 5. While both camcorders will deliver crisp, fresh, and colorful definition images, the lux rating of 5 of the SR12 makes it less sensitive to a noisy background. For the extra storage space, the SR12 is a bit more expensive.
Sony HDR SR11 and SR12 are two identical cameras that share relatively the same specs, though there are still some significant differences between them. Foremost, taking their hard drive capacity into notice, the Sony HDR SR12 has a higher capacity of 120 gigabytes, compared to the SR11 that has only 60 gigabytes. This definitely shows that you can store more videos on the SR12, and also shoot more videos on it than SR11. Their lux rating makes another difference between them, as the SR11 possesses a rating of 0, while SR12 possesses a rating of 5. The lux rating measures the illumination of captured images. And a higher lux rating provides more efficiency in capturing an image without noise. Probably due to the SR11 higher storage capacity and lux rating, it is found to be more expensive when compared to SR11. The latter can be purchased at about $1200, while the former costs about $1400.
There are a lot of people who would like to get the right cameras for their needs. The SR12 comes with 120GB. SR11 has more limited capacity at 60GB. The difference in storage space alone is already enough to help you decide because obviously, having more space means that you can also store more images and videos. With a larger hard drive that is being offered by the SR12, you will be able to capture more memories effectively. When it comes to price, the SR12 is also going to be more expensive. The SR11 will have a cheaper price tag but you can expect that the other features of the SR12 will be better. It will depend on you which one you think will be best for your needs.