When you work or have a career, you will typically hold salary hours, which is a pay at a fixed rate, no matter how much overtime you work. The good news is that you are allotted to a certain amount of free vacation and sick time with salaried hours. One of the most challenging working salaried positions is that of the teacher.
They will typically work more than any other profession, as they continue to go to school or college even when it is closed for vacation. They will continue to grade papers and plan their itineraries, even through summer. Most of the people who work salaried hours are those who have very adult or college degree earned jobs or careers.
On the other hand, people who work hourly tend to work part-time or minimum wage jobs that typically employ high school kids or college kids looking to make some extra money. When you work an hourly contract, you will receive compensation for the number of hours you clock, along with any overtime you have put in. This overtime pay is one advantage that the hourly system has over salary.
Also, salaried workers can be easily fired from their job; the people who work an hourly rate are not easy to let go. This difficulty is because it involves a complicated process that often entails putting something in writing.