Your backpack is never for fashion whenever you are going for a hike; it is where all your essentials should be kept in order to have an amazing walking trip. Before going into what you need to have in your bag, you should know that redundancy is not the goal, but going with the right set of things you will need is actually what should be targeted. One of the things you will need in your bag is water. It is understandable to get dehydrated after covering some distance with your legs, and that's why you should always with water.
You might start feeling hunger at any time; that's why going with snacks is always recommended. You will need sunscreen as you hike. Sunglasses should be one of the things you will put in your bag. You also need T-shirts, pants, socks, in your bag. First aid materials should be part of it. However, your bag should be arranged in such a way that you can easily locate those things you'd likely use.
Every hiker has a hiking bag. This bag contains many essentials and is the primary gear needed when going on a hike. The size of the bag will depend on the distance of the hike, but the bag should always be lightweight to ensure not much pressure is being put on the body.
The bag should always contain food and water. Foods should be energy fueled, to ensure the hiker stays hydrated during the hike. A traditional map or compass, or an electronic device with GPS directions should also be packed to ensure the hiker stays on the correct trail.