Alchemy is a philosophy in which many ideas, methods, and practices are utilized. It revolves around the study of how to alter basic substances. It also examines how this transformation occurs. During the occult era in the 19th century, alchemy received attention from the alternative spiritual communities.
Alchemy encompasses several philosophical traditions which have their spiritual language. Within the confines of magic, it always carries a signature. Occultists define alchemy as a spiritual practice. As a discipline, it is involved with the evolution of philosophy and science. Historians are becoming more knowledgeable about its ancient roots in these areas of study.
Alchemy is a study and a philosophy. It is a study of changing substances. For instance, substances like metals are changed into other substances like gold. Gold was the main substance that alchemists wanted to change substances into because gold was seen as the elixir of life. Gold is seen as the perfect stone to alchemists.
They wanted to change substances into gold to help cure any disease and prolong the span of life. The study of alchemy started in Egypt. Other countries like China and India took the concept and added their own spin to it. However, all alchemists have the end goal of prolonging life.