Both dual-core and quad-core are types of processors for computers. A dual-core processor is a central processing unit. It is called dual because they are two different cores. They both have the same function, but each core processor has its own cache. Many manufacturers carry this type of CPU.
A dual-core processor being employed depends on many variables of the operating system, such as the multi-threading. A quad-core processor has four types of cores. Each type of core implements aspects of the central processing unit, including adding, data, and branching. Each core in a quad-core processor can run its own commands and, while doing so, will increase the speed.
A dual-core processor for a computer is a central processing unit that has two separate cores, which serve the same function, but each with their cache. It is two microprocessors in one. This type of CPU is readily available from many manufacturers. In a dual-core processor, each core manages incoming data strings at the same time, to improve productivity. Employing a dual-core processor depends on the operating system recognizing multi-threading.
A quad-core processor is a chip containing four separate units called cores that read and implement central processing unit instructions such as data, branch and add. Within the chip, each core operates in tandem with other circuits such as memory management, input/output, and cache. The independent cores in a quad-core processor can run multiple commands while simultaneously increasing overall speed.