The feeling of ASMR or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response can vary by person. For the most part, the experience is one of relaxation and peace. ASMR is a good feeling. It starts at the end, moves down the back, and goes through the rest of the body. The response is so intense that it can create chills or a tingling feeling on the body.
ASMR occurs when the body is triggered by a particular song or watching a particular video. The song or video is normally quiet, which makes the person feel relaxed enough to allow their body to experience the trigger.
The kind of feeling you experience due to ASMR can be mild and, at times, intense depending on the type of triggers you are exposed to. The tingling sensation is usually a pleasurable one, and that's why you feel good when you experience it. The sensation you feel due to ASMR starts from your head and moves to the back of your neck, and if the feeling is so intense, the sensation moves to other parts of the body as though you are experiencing chills. The tingling sensation comes when you are exposed to some triggers.
These triggers are usually things you see and certain sounds you listen to. For instance, you might start having this feeling just by listening to the quiet sound that's being produced when someone is flipping through the pages of a newspaper. There are some videos that are specially made to induce this feeling in people. Aside from the fact that ASMR makes you feel good, it also makes you feel relaxed.