The Gotham Awards is also known as the American Film Awards. This is the awards show for the different independent films and series that were released for that year. The last ceremony date for 2019 happened last December 3, and people were mostly happy with the awards that were given to different people who were nominated for the said awards.
This awards show is supposed to give tribute to the best in independent cinema. There are awards shows that are dedicated to more mainstream movies. This awards show is different because this is for the independent films that may not usually get noticed by the casual viewer.
The Gotham Independent Film Awards, which are American Film Awards, are presented every year to the creators of independent films at a ceremony in New York City. The city was first nicknamed "Gotham" by a writer named Washington Irving in an issue of Salmagundi, which was published on November 11, 1807. The Awards are determined by a small jury of filmmakers, actors, and journalists.
The Awards overlap with the independent filmmaker project, which is the most prestigious group in the business today. It is the most prominent membership organization in the United States involving independent film. This ceremony is the richest one in terms of raw talent.