I think Shenmue gaming series is a success. If you have been following the video game starting from the original Shenmue, which was released about 20 years ago, then you will agree with me that Shenmue gaming series is an interesting one. The first release of the video game was developed by Sega AM2 and released by Sega in 1999.
According to different reviews read online, the development of the game took a lot of money, and this actually led to the status which the original Shenmue got as the most expensive during that time in terms of marketing and production cost. Shenmue 2 was released in 2001, and the story continued with the second release of the video.
The third series of the game was released on November 19, 2019, and it actually starts where it stopped in Shenmue 2. A lot of people have started feeling nostalgic about the game because it will definitely remind you of the good old days.