Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was developed by Respawn Entertainment. It was released on November 15, 2019. For now, the game can only be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and of course, on Windows. Just like how dedicated Star Wars game lovers were to the previous games of Star Wars, the new release, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, has gotten so many positive reviews from people. Also, Star Wars Jedi:
Fallen Order is a single-player game, unlike most of its predecessors, which are based on an online multi-player. The major character of the game, Cal Kestis, who is a Jedi padawan learner, actually needs to get connected back to the force so that he can get new powers to combat an inquisitor who is also known as the second sister. As a player, you're definitely going to help Cal Kestis get the needed power to defeat the Second sister that is hell-bent on stopping him.