The story starts by featuring Sarah Conor with her teenage son at the beach. In 1998, three years after T-1000 had been defeated, the T-800, which was sent into the future by Skynet, appears to them and shot John Connor dead. In 2020, a young woman named Grace, who is cybernetically enhanced, and Rev-9, a more advanced model of the terminator, is being conveyed separately from the future to Mexico City. Rev-9 seeks to kill Diego and Dani, but Grace comes to their rescue.
While chasing them, Rev-9 eventually kills Diego. He displays his ability to split into two -a liquid-like metallic exterior and a powerful endoskeleton. In the long run, Rev-9 coners Grace and Dani, but Sarah shows up to split them apart with explosives. Then she retreats with Dani and Grace to a motel. Subsequently, Grace and Dani defeat Rev-9, with Sarah also being alive. Dani later watches over Grace as a child.