There are a number of reasons that Rip Taylor is famous. The main reason is for his career as an actor and comedian. Through his acting and comedy, Taylor was over the top, vibrant, and energetic. He was also famous for his long mustache, which he didn't have enough face for.
Another feature of Rip Taylor's appearance that made him famous was his toupee, which did not blend too well. Lastly, Taylor was known as "The Confetti King." He gained this nickname because, during his shows, he would always toss out confetti. A person going to his show would expect to leave covered in confetti.
RipTaylor was a famous actor and comedian. He made a name for himself in the eighties. He made hysterical, often weird, and out of control appearances on all of the popular talk shows of his generation. He was celebrated as "The King of Confetti" for his schtick of showering the audience with colored confetti from a huge bag he would carry.
He also had a crazy mustache toupee and a very recognizable and flamboyant style. Rip appeared several times on "The Ed Sullivan Show," and Sullivan would forget his name, but he would say, "Get me the crying comedian." He had Broadway experience working with the likes of Judy Garland, Eleanor Powell, and Debbie Reynold's. He also replaced Mickey Rooney in the burlesque musical comedy, "Sugar Babies."