JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine, and JRE is the acronym for Java Runtime Environment. A JVM is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Java program. There are three concepts of JVM, which would be specification, implementation, and instance.
The specification describes what is necessary to implement the programs, which is run by the JRE and, finally, the instance, which is the creation of the JVM. The JRE is the runtime share of Java that runs in your web browser. The Java Runtime Environment provides the set of tools needed to run the JVM, so together, they are needed to run Java applications.
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C. Lucan, Copywriter, Literature Major, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Answered Oct 04, 2019
JRE and JVM both correspond with JDK, which stands for Java Development Kit. This kit allows the Java program to be developed and run. JRE and JVM are both abbreviations related to aspects of the kit. JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. It is a package that can be installed to allow the Java program to be run on the machine.
JRE is used by those who just want to run the program. JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine, and it is used to execute the java program. In other words, it interprets the program so that it can be executed.