The correct answer to this question is No. Back when Halloween originated, it was really scary, and many people would have nightmares about the time, preventing them from going trick or treating. As time has gone on, many just associate the holiday with dressing up and getting candy.
People are no longer just dressing in scary costumes. Instead, they are dressing up as celebrities, foods, and drinks. People also have Halloween parties and bake special foods for the day. Though there are still haunted homes and scary movies, many stray away from the traditional scary theme that came with Halloween.
There was a time when Halloween was probably considered a scary festival, but because of certain conditions, the stigma that this is scary soon faded away. A lot of kids now associate Halloween with getting unlimited candies and chocolates. They look forward to the holiday because it gives them the chance to become the characters that they have always wanted in some parts of the world. Halloween is still considered to be scary.
Some people believe that Halloween gives ghosts, ghouls, and other being a chance to walk among the living even if it is only for a short period of time. Some countries do not celebrate Halloween at all because they believe that this can conjure bad spirits.