The fifth series of Black Mirror is titled Rotten Tomatoes. It contains three episodes, which are also titled Striking Vipers, Smithereens, and Rachel, Jack, and Ashely Too, respectively. Striking Vipers presents Karl and Danny, who are old friends in college, reconnecting together again while they were playing their favorite video game in a VR version.
The gaming session, which lasts till night, resulted in an unexpected discovery. In episode 2, Smithereens, an international hullabaloo, actually arose due to a driver's action. A London rideshare driver kidnaps a worker from a particular social media company. This episode is actually an interesting one to watch. In the third episode, it presents a lonely teenage boy who becomes obsessed with a doll robot due to her pop star idol. This started to unravel Ashley's life. The sensational casting episodes individually last over one hour. The series presents technology in an outstanding and futuristic way.