I think the Black Mirror movie is worth watching. As a matter of fact, watching a particular movie is by choice, and what interests someone might not interest another person. Even whoever who chooses to watch a movie would take his or her time to vet it very well, especially when it comes to a series film like Black Mirror. Watching a series movie is more like a life decision.
But when it comes to Black Mirror, you will find it very interesting to watch. Plus, it is filled with a lot of surprises. The movie expresses science fiction in its reality. Though there is no continuity in the use of characters in the movie, it follows a trend that you will find interesting not to miss. The movie gives a deep exploration of its name. It keeps you thinking about what is going to be the next action at every single scene. Sometimes, it goes normal, while sometimes the next action keeps you wondering.
Chris Evins, College Student, Schooling, Wolverhampton
Answered Sep 30, 2019
Black Mirror, is the British science-fiction anthology television series on Netflix. The show is about society's relationship with technology. The series premiered on British television, channel 4, in 2011 and 2013, and Netflix purchased the critically acclaimed show in 2015.
Some people say that it is one of the best TV series ever created. The first series of the show has been praised for being creative and shocking. The show possesses a dark satirical theme. It has also been appreciated by the infamous author of thrillers, Stephen King.