What the majority of people are doing today is that they are seriously searching for someone that will complete them or someone to be called their better half. If this is actually your own mind about the relationship, then you might end up being too dependent on your partner.
One of the top signs that will indicate this is when you have come to the point that you practically don't have time for yourself, but rather you are ready to spend a lot of time with your partner. The moment some people enter into a relationship, they start shutting doors at friends and relatives. The only person they now talk to is their new partner. Another top sign is that you have successfully made your partner your only source of everything. At times, you won't be able to do things until you see your partner. A lot of people have freely given their time out to their partner, and whenever it seems they are not getting the same attention, they start feeling sad.
There are so many ways to know whether you depend too much on your partner or not. While dependency is necessary for a relationship, however, it might later turn out to be a big issue. When you are becoming too much dependent on your partner, a lot of things start to set in. One of the signs is that your partner's mood is what dictates your happiness. This means anytime your partner is not around, you won't be totally okay.
Another sign is that you find yourself practically incapacitated to do some things without your partner. A lot of people cannot cook until they have their partners around. This is not quite okay, because this is only affecting you. Another sign is that you are always going for your partner's needs at the expense of your own interest. Finally, another sign is that you always want your partner's attention to be on you alone.