I really don't think there is no single superstition that is not funny and weird. I have heard about a lot of superstitions, and how people get to say them to other people with total freeness is still a surprise to me. So, let's see different examples of weird and funny superstitions from around the world.
1. You don't allow a black cat to cross your path. This is one of the age long superstitions that people still believe in today. It is believed that allowing a black cat to cross your path is a sign of bad luck. And if this happens to you in the morning while going out, you should simply go back inside.
2. Another superstition is that you are about to be kissed by someone if your nose starts itching you. I know this sounds funny because I haven't experienced anybody kissing me just because of an itchy nose. 3. Have you also heard that when you start feeling itchy in your right palm, it means you are about to get a large sum of money, and the money will stay with you forever.