How much of the earth's water is suitable for human use? - ProProfs Discuss

How much of the earth's water is suitable for human use?

Asked by Lstephe, Last updated: Aug 29, 2024

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3 Answers

J. Shatner

J. Shatner

J. Shatner
J. Shatner, Content writer, Boston

Answered Sep 09, 2019

The correct answer to this question is A, 0.25%. Most experts round up the amount to .3%, which is what .25 rounds up to. This amount is low, considering that 71% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. Icecaps, soil, and glaciers use the other 99.7%. Most of the .3% is still unattainable for human usage.

Most of the water we use as humans come from rivers, which is a surface water. There is also groundwater than humans can use. The underground water is used as moisture for soil. It is also the reason why rivers flow because they keep streams going.

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John Adney

John Adney

John Adney
John Adney

Answered Sep 19, 2017

Hey guys play our kahoot we copied and pasted all these questions and used them for ourselves :)

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John Smith

John Smith

John Smith
John Smith

Answered Nov 16, 2016


Only about 0.25 per cent of the worlds water can be used to meet human needs. Fact: Of all fresh water 90% is held in glaciers and polar icecaps or locked in deep aquifers.
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