GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education. This is something that can be taken by people who would like to get academic qualifications for a certain subject. This is open to people who are aged 14 to 16 years old. Those who will get this are those who would like to get IB, which stands for International Baccalaureate.
This was founded in the year 1968, almost two decades before the GCSE was founded. The IB can be taken in three different regional centers wherein people can choose the type of skill level that they want to take. Take note that IB is open to people of different ages. People just need to choose the right category for their age group.
IB and GSCE are two different educational programs. IB is the acronym for International Baccalaureate. It used to be called IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization). IB is a worldwide organization with headquarters in Switzerland. The organization was founded in 1968. IB is highly regarded by universities. The exam is conducted twice in a year, usually in May and November.
GCSE is the acronym for General Certificate of Secondary Education. It was started in 1986. The first GSCE exam was conducted in 1988. GCSE is an academic qualification typically taken by students between the ages of 14 to 16. The international version of this exam is called IGCSE which is written all around the world. GSCE exam grades are from Grade 1 to 9 this replaced grade A*-G that were formally used. Hope you find this information helpful.
GCSE can be considered as the level of education that will be a prerequisite before taking IB. GCSE means General Certificate of Secondary Education. This is a type of qualification that is needed in order to pass a specific subject. People who are aged 14 to 16 can take this. IB means International Baccalaureate and people cannot take this unless they have a GCSE or something similar.
This has been established earlier as compared to the GCSE. IB comes with an international version called IGCSE. People who take these courses are considered to have better career options in the long run because of the level of education that they may choose to get.
GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education. This is a type of qualification that is very important for the subject that you would like to pass. This is usually taken by students who are 14 to 16 years old. IB stands for International Baccalaureate. This was started much earlier as compared to GCSE.
There are three different regional centers where the IB can be taken and those who would like to get it can go to these centers. GCSE comes with an international version, which is called IGCSE. Some people may opt to get this instead of the IB because this is more available in various parts of the world.