Baby back ribs and spare ribs are usually pig meat, which is pork. They are popularly eaten in Asia and North America, and they are either grilled, baked, or smoked. A major difference between the baby back ribs and the spare ribs in the region of the pig body they are gotten from. Baby back ribs are usually taken from the upper part of the rib cage, starting from between the spine and below the loin. And because of these, they are also referred to as back ribs, pork loin back ribs, or loin ribs.
On the other hand, spare ribs, which are sometimes referred to as side ribs, are gotten from the region from beside the belly to the breast bone. The size in length of baby back ribs ranges between three to six inches, depending on the size of the pig. It is usually short. Spare ribs usually have bones in them and are longer than the back ribs. The size in the weight of a baby back rib is about 1.5 to pounds, while that of a spare rib is about six pounds.