A lot of people assume that DID or Disassociative Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia are the same, but these two are different mental conditions that may affect people. A person who has schizophrenia will hear things that are not real. They may sometimes act on what they hear, which can make them behave abnormally. Those who have DID will usually have different personalities depending on the situation that the person is facing.
The multiple personalities are meant to make the person cope with the stressful and traumatic situations that the person has gone through. People with DID can be cured, but it will take a lot of effort, especially since the memories can be painful for the person.
DID is commonly known in the mental health world as dissociative identity disorder. It is often confused with another disorder known as schizophrenia. The cause of schizophrenia is when the pregnant mother ends up with a virus, or she is malnourished during her pregnancy. The dissociative disorder occurs with the individual that has this disorder, and the person had previously had some sort of traumatic event occur in his or her life.
Another name for DID is Multiple personality disorder. Many people who have dissociative identity disorder were severely abused as a child. The symptoms are different in that schizophrenia patients feel isolated socially and those with DID may experience amnesia where they can’t remember events that took place either before or during the traumatic events in their lives.