Some people may assume that because of the names that angular 2 is the updated version of angular 1 but this is not true. Angular 2 is known to be a rewritten form of angular 1. The structure of angular 2 is different from angular 1. Angular 1 is known to be based on MVC while Angular 2 is known to be based on the controller or the service that is being used.
Angular 1 makes use of JavaScript in order to create and build the application while in Angular 2, TypeScript is used instead of JavaScript. There may be some differences with where Angular 1 and 2 can both be used.
Angular 2 is different from Angular 1 because it is written entirely in Typescript and it meets the ECMA Script 6 specification. It makes component-based development and object orientation that much easier. Angular 2 is solely component-based. Components and directives have replaced them, and there is improved dependency injection in Angular 2.
There are also more opportunities for component/object-based work. There are also many more features in Angular 2. Within Angular 2, the form builder and control group are defined. The combination of Angular 2 with Typescript provides a significant opportunity in object-oriented programming in the front end. The declarative nature makes it more advantageous.