Warts and corns are raised rough and firm areas of the skin, are customarily seen on the feet, they are viral, and they are contagious. Corns are caused by mechanical pressure, and they are not infectious. A wart is a small cauliflower-like growth, it can be a solid blister, and it may occur anywhere on the skin. There are many kinds of warts; however, there are only two types of corns. These include hard and soft corns.
The human papillomavirus transmits via contact with broken skin, and HPV type 2 and 4 are the leading causes of venereal warts. HPV type 1 is the most typical cause of plantar warts. They are level and painful. HPV type 7 can cause Butcher's warts; however, they are mainly seen in the hands of meat handlers. Corns are elliptical shaped thickened areas of the skin. They usually occur on foot — Corns form when pressure points in shoes grate against the skin.