Capacitor and dielectric are both electrical terms. The capacitor is an electric device that stores electric charges, while the dielectric is a material that does not allow for the flow of current. The dielectric materials are often referred to as insulators. Dielectric materials are poor conductors of current, but they support electrostatic fields efficiently. A capacitor consists of a pair of two conductors with a two-way electrical component, and are separated by a dielectric insulator material. Along with insulators and resistors, the capacitor is one of the three basic components of a circuit.
A capacitor stores current in electric fields of electrical circuits and gives back when needed. Dielectric materials have high resistivity and are usually placed between two conductors to separate them. One property of the capacitor is that it enhances and increase the effect of capacitance. Dielectric materials are non-metallic materials with a large energy gap. Capacitors can be used in electronic circuits for several tasks, while dielectric materials are mainly used to fabricate capacitors.