A professional and experienced software developer with amateur writing.
C. Adlai, Software Developer, B.E (Bachelor of Engineering), California, USA
Answered Oct 09, 2019
The correct answer to this question is DRS, which stands for the Decision Review System. This system will be used in the new Cricket World Cup, which is a tournament of cricket players. This cup occurs once every four years. The purpose of the Decision Review System is to review decisions that are controversial.
These decisions are many be umpires that are on the field and decide whether a batsman should be dismissed or not. Though it will be used in the next World Cup, presently, it is still on a trial basis, used in Test Cricket. When used in the World Cup, it will only be used for a few of the matches.
It will be used to review controversial decisions made by onfield umpires in cases of batsman being or not being dismissed.
This is presently being used in Test cricket on an experimental basis..
It will be used in 4 Quarter fianls, 2 semifinals and final only 7 matches.