Pneumonia is known to be caused by different factors. Some acquire pneumonia because of viruses while some acquire pneumonia because of a long period of experiencing flu. Those who have pneumonia will normally feel bad in general.
They will usually have a cough with a bit of sputum, and they may also experience fever and chills. Those who are experiencing hypothermia may get it because of being exposed to extremely cold temperatures. People who get this may chill uncontrollably, and they are not able to speak coherently anymore, especially if they become exposed even more to the cold temperature.
You accidentally fall through a sheet of ice when you try to skate across a frozen pond. The first thing you do is panic because you worry about Hypothermia. This problem occurs when you get too cold. Your body temperature will decrease because it wants warmth. The temperature must be below ninety-five degrees Farhenheit to be considered Hypothermia. You will shiver and shake, and it can be deadly.
Pneumonia is a sickness that is contracted when the lungs become inflamed. To treat Hypothermia, the doctors will start warming up the body. To treat pneumonia, the doctor will prescribe medicine and rest. People who suffer from pneumonia will experience coughing, breathing problems, and chest pain due to their being problems with the lungs.