There are some people who may think that EST and EDT are the same things, but actually, they are a bit different from each other. EDT or Eastern Daylight Time is used for those that are in the Eastern Time Zone while EST which means Eastern Standard Time is generally used for those who follow Central Daylight Saving Time.
The places that use EST are usually experiencing fall or winter while those that follow EDT are experiencing spring or summer. Remember that these two terms are used to refer to the same timezones. The only difference between the two is the season when they will be used.
If you live in the eastern area of the United States and you have an aunt who lives in California, you may have trouble figuring out the best time to call her because the time is three hours behind your time in the east. When you want to denote the time in the eastern standard time zone, you might put the abbreviation “EST” next to the time. However, sometimes, you will see EDT.
There is a difference between EST, and EDT. EST stands for eastern standard time, and EDT refers to eastern daylight time. The critical difference between EST and EDT has to do with the time of the year. It is EDT during spring, and it is EST during winters.